Bar/OOD Rota

The Bar Rota is managed using DutyMan, where volunteers can swap duties and volunteer for available dates.

Members can see the latest Bar Rota in DutyMan below. Bar Volunteers and OODs can use the personalised link sent by DutyMan to view, confirm and swap their duties.

The DutyMan Bar Roster has been opened up to the end 2024 so that OODs, Saturday and Sunday bar volunteers may pre-select duties of their choice. Non selected duties will be allocated approximately six weeks ahead as normal. To select a duty, open the Roster listing and select the date of your choice and select ‘volunteer for a duty’  on the righthand side of the page and follow the instructions.

If you have lost your password please contact Peter Barnes (contact details in the handbook), but you don’t need a password as DutyMan can send you an email with a login link.