The club has received the following information from John White:

We moved the buoyage at the Deben entrance yesterday, the bar has moved to the south and to the west.This means that when leaving the river you have no sight of the buoyage until you are well down past the rocks on the west side.There is a beacon on the beach about 100yds past the last of the rocks and  there is a shallow patch of about 1mt L W springs when you get to be abreast of that.

You may then head for the Mid Knoĺl buoy passing it on it’s correct side.The bar is very shallow from the Knoll Spit until West Knoll at the moment, probably only 0.7mts.

Hope this is all clear but will hopefully have new chartlet in the next week or so.

The East Coast Pilot has published information from Imray about the Deben and Ore entrances which can be found here