As the cruising season continues members are looking forward to the last cruises of the season; future cruises being Walton Pond, Blackwater, Ramsgate and the four rivers. If you fancy sailing in company, why not join Woodbridge Cruising Club whether you own a yacht or motorboat. The sailing season ends with a host of social events, the annual club barbecue, the end of season cruise dinner and the laying up supper, which are all planned for August onwards.

The Lowestoft cruise had eight boats leave their moorings in the Deben or Orwell, and sail northbound (albeit under somewhat choppy conditions) to Lowestoft for two nights. SADS (safe arrival drinks) were organised by Stephen the commodore and Steph, followed by a meal ashore. The next day most members opted to have a beer tasting at a local micro-brewery, or a walk to Oulton Broad. The club dinner was held in the RN&S Yacht Club, where they were joined by another club member who had sailed down singlehanded from Scarborough. It was an early start for most, 05:00 to set sail for southern ports, and with a favourable tide and a light wind on the nose, it was seven hours to the Tidemill. One of the best things about joining a club such as Woodbridge is how members all support each other, and this was shown by a possible overheating engine, and other yachts standing by whilst the raw water impeller was changed. One of the benefits of joining a club and sailing in company.    Cruises are organised by club members and thanks to Stephen for organising the Lowestoft cruise and Mark and Clare the London cruise.

The week long London cruise saw a variety of sailing conditions, with members having a night both inbound and outbound  at Queenbourgh ( or at anchor at Sharfleet creek) before spending  several days at Limehouse, where they could enjoy the delights of London.

Woodbridge Cruising Club is the ideal club for those new to boat owning, with over 656 MGN (Marine Guidance Notes), WCC offers training during the winter months, the Club is an RYA recognised teaching establishment and welcomes non-members as well as members on its Day Skipper and Yachtmaster courses. These include sessions on navigation, meteorology, boat management and seamanship. It is hoped these can recommence in person, and the club website has full details.

Whilst the good weather continues on shore activities are still proving popular, Wednesday barbecues are an ideal chance to meet up out of doors in the secluded garden area. The Saturday and Sunday lunchtime bar sees members  socialising in the lovely club house or sitting overlooking the river Deben – surely one of the best bar areas in Suffolk.

The club is not all nautical activities. We have a wide range of events throughout the year (nautical and land based). If you are tempted by the activities, please have a look at the rest of the website. New members are always welcome, whether you own a motorboat or yacht or are just interested in all things nautical.