The first sailing activities are now taking place with the model boat challenge (and lunch) against Woodbridge Model Boat club coordinated by Alex, and the inaugural Deben Discovery cruise, organised by Clive and Barbara. Members are looking forward to the well planned summer cruise programme with voyages to new harbours and well-loved favourite destinations. Sailing (or motor-boating) in company is surely one of the best reasons for joining WCC.

Onshore the social programme is moving into the summer season, as the Wednesday suppers finished with a finale of the curry evening.  However other activities such as gardening, hopefully barbecues and the weekend bar in the excellent club house overlooking the river, provide a welcome social programme, throughout the summer.

Recent walks have included a delightful stroll from Snape Maltings, along the river wall through the wood, over the heath, and returning along Iken and the beach, to a welcome meal at the Plough and Sail. Liz and Nick led a walk from the Blaxhall Ship taking in Blaxhall Common, Tunstall Wood, and the Sandlings, and back for a pub lunch. The final walk of the season was a circular walk from Freston Boot, with delightful views of the Orwell Bridge, led by Monica.

The Sunday talks are an eclectic mixture, with a nautical theme. Roger Peck gave a fascinating personal history of the role of his father, Lieut. Frances Peck, S.A navy, who, under the personal command of Montgomery, cleared Tripoli harbour 1943, which was heavily blocked by sunken ships and mines.  With the aid of salvage vessel Gamtoos, Peck and his team cleared a passage, so the 8th Army could receive desperately needed support and supplies. The ultimate talk of this season is navigation, by the club’s training officer, Graham.

The skipper and crew meeting was a chance to meet fellow sailors, and the fitting out supper was a wonderful evening with a delicious meal and a selection of puddings organised by Janet Sparrow and the galley team. New members are always welcome, and all new members enjoy a new member’s lunch, at the club house.

Plans are underway for a Parade of Boats and BBQ to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on the 3rd of June.

If the activities sound intriguing, then please have a look around this website New members are welcome, whether you own a motorboat or yacht, or are keen to start sailing. If you are new to sailing (or need to brush up your skills), then the club’s training officer runs RYA courses. All details are on this website