As spring approaches members are looking forward to getting their boats in the water.

Meanwhile on shore social activities are still highly enjoyable.

The regular Thursday walks are always popular, and have included strolls around picturesque Middleton, through Westleton Heath, over Duffer’s bridge and glorious woods with a welcome lunch at the Bell. Shottisham is always a popular walk and this was led by Neil. Future walks are planned to include Felixstowe Hydrocycle, a fascinating look at this scheme where water is sourced from Kingsfleet.

For the monthly Sunday talks club members heard an informative talk from the National Coastwatch Institution. There is a station at Felixstowe, and the volunteers perform a vital function in keeping people safe at sea and along the UK coast. Future talks include the Felixstowe ferry master, about the river Deben, and members  talking about their cruises to Marseille and the Shetlands.

The Burn’s night supper was sold out, and members enjoyed the traditional haggis, addressed by Neil. The Beetle drive was great fun, and the wine tasting was a very convivial evening.

Club members have recently attended annual cruise meeting, when Cruise Captain Andy and cruise leaders presented details of the summer cruises.

The cruising club is looking forward to the spring social programme, so why not consider joining. This website has full details and new members are welcome, whether you currently own a motorboat or yacht, (or are a past owner), or have an interested in all things nautical.