The last club cruises have now sailed, and the on shore social calendar is now in full swing.

The final cruises were Walton Pond, organised by John and Liz, and the ultimate Three Rivers organised by Graham, with the club dinner at the Royal Harwich Yacht Club. Thanks especially are due to the cruise captain Andy, who oversaw all the summer cruise programme to great success.

The first walks of the autumn season have been enjoyed by members (and dogs), with a delightful stroll along the banks of the Orwell, along the riverside path and beach, and returning through a heavily wooded section past an ancient oak tree. The first Wednesday supper was attended by many eager diners who enjoyed a delicious supper, and members are looking forward to other Wednesday suppers and the laying up supper as well.

Other activities include MAGs (the Monday Afternoon Group Get Together), with afternoon tea, and the Wednesday morning maintenance parties, again with coffee and cakes.

November activities include Sunday talks and the AGM. The first Sunday talk of the new season was Andy Beharrell about the army and navy forts built offshore in the Thames Estuary.

The club has a wide range of events throughout the year (nautical and land based).  If you are keen to join please have a look around this website.  New members are always welcome, whether you own a motorboat or yacht, or are keen to start sailing.