Club members  have enjoyed the first cruises of the summer cruising season, the Deben Cruise and the Ore and Ald. Three boats for the Deben cruise moored overnight near the Ramsholt Arms, and then were joined by boats from Waldringfield and the Orwell for the exciting timed passage over the bar to Washington buoy. Wind and rain provided somewhat challenging conditions and Coranto was a worthy winner. The rain held off for the first SADS (safe arrival drinks) and barbecue of the season.

Thirteen boats joined the Ore and Ald cruise, with a swift passage under a beam reach   to cross the Orford bar and then enjoy a peaceful night on moorings.  Members enjoyed hospitality from the Orford Sailing Club for the first night SADS and barbecue. Daytime activities saw walks along the river, a visit to Aldeburgh, and a warm welcome from Aldeburgh Yacht Club with pre dinner drinks and a meal.

Members are looking forward to future cruises, with the Walton Backwaters in June, with a planned wildlife cruise and a stay at Titchmarsh Marina, and future cruises sailing the East Coast from Lowestoft in the north, to London , Ramsgate and beyond to the south. If you fancy sailing in company, why not join Woodbridge Cruising Club.

The club is not all nautical activities. Members are enjoying the Sunday bar sitting outdoors area overlooking the river. There is also the renowned Jetsam, the club’s very own ukulele band.

The club has a wide range of events throughout the year (nautical and land based).  If you are tempted by the activities, do have a look at the rest of this website.  New members are always welcome, whether you own a motorboat or yacht, and there will be the chance to join the summer cruises and activities.

Ore and Alde cruise

Ore and Alde cruise